Device which enables advertiser to identify source of inquiry as when a coupon has an unobtrusive key printed in the corner (e.g. DM5 meaning fifth insertion in the Daily Mail). Keys can be included in the address. A different person’s name can be used in each journal, or there can be a variation in the address such as 11a, 11b, 11c. By means of keys it is possible to calculate the cost-per-reply by dividing the cost of the space by the number of enquiries. Similarly, cost per conversion to sales can be calculated.
Creating a Unique Selling Proposition Based on Price (But Not Low Prices) for Industrial Products & Services: The “Price Marketing” Method to Make Your $20,000+ Solutions Easier To Buy
Whether you are selling face-to-face, via social selling, on the phone, through retail, or via e-commerce channels, positioning your company and product to be unique and valuable is one of the most difficult challenges. Look at …