1. Marketing (or product) claims matrix mapping is used to define advertising claims likely to be most effective. Claims are taken from rival advertisements. The left-hand column of matrix lists the claims. In columns for each advertiser, claims are given order of merit ratings. The claims are then weighted and ranked.
The claims are pre-tested to discover chief needs of target audience. Then a full survey is conducted.
Finally, rank order of claims and target audience needs are compared to discover differences. These differences indicate claims advertiser should use.
2. Claims matrix mapping may also mean a competitive audit of products. This enables companies to see where their strengths lie in comparison to their direct competition.
It is relatively easy to develop such a claims matrix. List the competitors vertically on the y-axis. List the claims horizontally, on the x-axis.
Let’s take an old, classic example of dishwasher detergent category. You will find Electrosol “cleans dry-hards,” Cascade and All produce “spotless glasses.” Finish does “big loads.” (These are all for machine washing.)
Among the brands that appeal to the washers of dishes by hand, Joy puts a “shine on your plates,” Palmolive “keeps your hands soft, younger-looking,” Ivory is “economical.” Ivory also takes another position: “helps hands stay younger looking.”
On the matrix, with these claims reduced to one or two words, the positions look like in table below:

The product claims matrix gives you a strategic look at the entire category. At a glance, you can see which brand occupies each position. If you make dishwasher detergent, you will have to decide whether to occupy a position already taken or develop a position of your own. Note that Cascade and All are on the same position (if they are spending unequally, the low spender should probably consider moving). Ivory is running two positions (possibly as a test).
Observe also that not all positions are covered. No one is talking low phosphates, but this probably has been tested by Electrosol and Finish, both of which have low phosphate formulas. There may be room for a milder, less costly detergent for “light loads.” Not every family’s dishes are caked with egg and cheese.