Length: 60 seconds
ANNOUNCER: Please stay tuned to the following public announcement: According to the Surgeon General, the obesity health crisis is affecting "every state, every city, and every community" across the nation. In an effort to aid the public in its fight against obesity, risk-free trials of [Product Name] are now being distributed. To sign up for the risk-free trial, call now. 1-800-XXX-XXXX. All listeners whose last name begins with the letter A through N are allowed to start calling now. Listeners whose last name begins with O through Z can begin calling tomorrow, 9 AM. Repeat, this is a public announcement. To fight the obesity epidemic, [Product Name] is being distributed risk-free to the public on a strict first-come, first-served basis. All listeners whose last name begins with the letter A through N are allowed to start calling now, Listeners whose last name begins with O through Z can begin calling tomorrow, 9 AM. Call for your risk-free trial of [Product Name], 1-800-XXX-XXXX. 1-800-XXX-XXXX.