Length: 30 minutes (infomercial).
MALE ANNOUNCER: The following program is made possible by [Brand name]. ON SCREEN: The following program is made possible by [Brand name] (Music playing.) MALE ANNOUNCER: Ladies, are desire, romance and passionate lovemaking just a fantasy of yours? Well, you're not alone. Let's face it, you're probably under a lot of stress these days. Between the daily grind of caring for the family and trying to compete in the working world, more and more women are finding that getting in the mood for making love is nearly impossible... Add to that the hormonal changes that women experience throughout their lives and it's no wonder that over 40 million American women are suffering from a lack of sexual desire and satisfaction. Finally, there's help. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30 day risk-free trial: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease MALE ANNOUNCER: Introducing [Product name], an all- natural, non-prescription supplement uniquely designed for a woman's body to safely and effectively restore your sexual urge and enjoyment, guaranteed. It's already helping women from all ages reclaim their sexual passion and vitality, and it can help you, too. ON SCREEN: Jennifer B. New York Call now for your 30 day risk-free trial: Actor portrayal is to protect privacy. JENNIFER B. : I'm a 29-year old woman and I've been in a committed relationship for over four years. I have an extremely demanding professional life and a very active lifestyle. Finding the time to make love was difficult enough, and combine that with the stress and sheer exhaustion of my lifestyle, it made it even less frequent. I heard about [Product name] and I decided to give it a try. And I am very happy to say that after only just a few weeks, my urge is back. Now I'm rushing home from work and our sex life is better than ever. [Product name] has put the .spark back into my relationship and now we definitely find the time. ON SCREEN: Celia P. Florida Call now for your 30 day risk-free trial: CELIA P.: Thank you for a wonderful product. I'm an older woman in my early sixties and I've been through menopause, but I haven't felt this sexually alive in years. [Product name] has increased my desire for intimacy and truly it helps me to enjoy sex now as I did in my twenties. ON SCREEN: Robyn & John G. Massachusetts Call now for your 30 day risk-free trial: ROBYN G.: Ever since our second child, I had absolutely no sex drive. I mean, John and I, we have a great marriage, but I just didn't feel like making love. JOHN G.: Her doctor said it was normal to feel this way. But after a while, what were we supposed to do? ROBYN G.: When a girlfriend told me that the [Product name] had worked for her, I thought, well, what do we. have to lose? So, I tried, it and the [Product name] really worked. Within a month, my drive was back. My husband was happy and I started to feel like myself again. JOHN G.: Thanks to [Product name] our marriage has never been better. ON SCREEN: Annette J. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: ANNETTE J.: I just placed my second order for [Product name]. I am very pleased with the results. After just two weeks with [Product name], I noticed a great increase in my libido. I have talked to women who have used other products and I'm glad to say that I have not had any side effects. I am very happy with [Product name]. ON SCREEN: Dr. Sarah S. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DR. SARAH S.: I was so frustrated with my lack of desire that I seriously considered taking a prescription medication, but it goes against all my beliefs as a chiropractor. Then I heard a radio advertisement for [Product name] and I placed an order. I tried the product, and to my surprise, experienced immediate results. [Product name] really works. I even recommend it to my patients. ON SCREEN! Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: MALE ANNOUNCER: Get ready, ladies, because in the next 30 minutes, you'll learn how you, too, can restore your desire, reclaim your romance and make passionate love-making a reality. Live the fantasy right now with [Product name], finally the wait is over. (Music playing.) ON SCREEN: Woman To Woman LIZ CALDWELL: Hello, and welcome to Woman to Woman. I'm Lis; Caldwell. Today, we're discussing a growing problem in this country, the sexual dissatisfaction of women. A recent survey found that one in three sexually active American women were unhappy with their love lives. Now, don't worry, men, we're1 not blaming you just yet. There seems to be a variety of reasons that women are reporting a lack of sexual desire and fulfillment. My guest today is noted sex therapist, Deborah Fox, who is here to share her insight into why these numbers are increasing so dramatically and what, if anything, can be done to change all of that. Welcome to our show, Deborah. DEBORAH FOX: Thanks. LIZ CALDWELL: Well, tell us, why are so many women dissatisfied, with their love lives and why has it taken so long for women to speak out about their sexual needs? ON SCREEN-. Deborah Fox, L.C.S.W. Certified Sex Therapist DEBORAH FOX: Well, these are really changing times. Fortunately, women speak out about a lot of things that are not right with their lives, including sexuality. So, we really now know that a lot of women are not very happy with their sex lives, and there's a number of different reasons. One is certainly fatigue. We are too busy. Women have families to take care of, they're going to work or school, some'are single parents. So, really once the basic priorities are met, there's not a whole lot of time or energy left for sex and romance. And we know that there's a statistic now that one in three women are not happy with their sex lives. That is 40 million American women and that's a lot of women. And certainly, fatigue is big there. You know, our 21st Century arazy, hectic lifestyles are not helpful in feeling real sexy at the end of the day. And then there's also women who have claimed that they never really felt very intensely about sex. They've just thought that, sex was for everybody but them or it was a guy thing or just not meant to be. But now there's a lot of research going on that is really very encouraging. There's a lot' of good news to report. LIZ CALDWELL: And before we talk about some of that research, Deborah, what are you hearing from women about their sexual needs? DEBORAH FOX: Well, sexuality for women is really complex. Women want to feel sexually alive. They want to feel loved, both emotionally and physically, and they want their partners to be happy. LIZ CALDWELL: So, is the women's desire more about the body or the mind? DEBORAH FOX: Well, it's really both. For example, a common problem is depression, and what we know about depression is that it also depresses one's sexual desire. Also, many women don't have a psychological background in which it's really been acceptable to feel very sexual. In addition, women often don't know about their bodies, that they really haven't felt comfortable exploring themselves and finding out what it is that turns them on. LIZ CALDWELL: Um-hum. What would be possibly some of the physical factors that might inhibit a women's sexual desire? DEBORAH FOX: Well, there's certainly a lot of changes that women go through in their lives and hormones often accompany these changes. We've got pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, getting older, menopause and as well as even more temporary things that a woman could go through, - illnesses, surgeries, taking medications from time to time, and many of these things pass and they're temporary. And so, what we found is that a woman's sexual desire can certainly return once these transitions or problems have passed. LIZ CALDWELL: So, what would be some of the first steps for a woman who wants to increase her desire, her urge and even the mood? DEBORAH FOX: Well, certainly being healthy is the bottom line. As in many things, it's important to eat properly, to get exercise, to get sleep. You know, exhaustion is not, you know, very -- it doesn't make a woman very interested in sex before. And not being stressed is really important. LIZ CALDWELL: Now, what type of medications are available to women who want to increase their sexual desire? DEBORAH FOX: Well, there are certain, prescription medications as well as over-the-counter supplements that are designed to increase the concentrations of certain hormones in a woman's body and these hormones can often help a woman with both her desire and her sensitivity. However, some of these prescription medications also can have some potentially dangerous side effects. LIZ CALDWELL: I see. So, are there safer, more natural alternatives for those women who are wanting to increase the sexual desire and intimacy? DEBORAH FOX: Yes. There's a non-prescription alternative available called [Product name]. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30 day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. DEBORAH FOX: That's a safe way to increase one's own sexual desire, as well as experience greater sensitivity during times of sexual intimacy. LIZ CALDWELL: For those of our viewers who have never heard of it, what kind of product is [Product name]? DEBORAH FOX: Well, [Product name] is a balanced combination of all-natural ingredients that's really designed to enhance a woman's sexual experience, both in terms of desire and sensitivity. LIZ CALDWELL: Now, how do the ingredients in [Product name] affect a woman's hormones? DEBORAH FOX: Well, according to the research that's being done at [Brand name], [Product name] can help a woman's body balance itself hormonally and with two very critical hormones, one being estrogen and the other, testosterone. LIZ CALDWELL: I've heard a lot lately about testosterone and it's received quite a bit of press in terms of its effects on both men and women. DEBORAH FOX: Right. We think of testosterone as being, essentially, a male hormone. But it really naturally occurs in both men's and women's bodies, and men and women have responded to testosterone therapy with an apparent increase in their sexual interest. However, there are some problems associated with it. There can be some very unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. For women, it could be unwanted hair, a deeper voice and acne, also. The other problem with it is that researchers and gynecologists really haven't figured out a way to take testosterone that's very reliable or effective. So, a much better alternative is something like [Product name], which is safe, which is a dietary supplement that can help the body create its own balance of hormones such that a woman's sexual experience can be enhanced. LIZ CALDWELL: So, [Product name], essentially, is a safer natural alternative for those women who not only want to increase their sexual satisfaction, but also their desire as well. DEBORAH FOX: That's right. Many women are having a lot of success with this product. They say that it puts their heads in a better mood for sex, as well as their bodies. LIZ CALDWELL; Are there any negative side effects from using [Product name]? DEBORAH FOX: Not to my knowledge, there haven't been any reported. But of course, it should be taken as directed, and I think it's always a good idea, when you're taking something new, to consult a health care professional, especially if a woman has any serious health problems or she's taking prescription medication or some other supplements. LIZ CALDWELL; Now, [Product name] sounds like a great option for many women, because I know if I was taking the prescription alternative, I'd be worried about its interaction with other prescription drugs that I was taking. DEBORAH FOX: Definitely. [Product name] is a great option for a couple of reasons. [Product name] is safe. There are no known drug interactions, and women who are trying [Product name] ar© reporting some positive mood changes, a greater sense of well-being, more energy and some have even reported losing weight. Now, some of these changes may be because their sex lives are better and they're enjoying sex more, but these are really positive changes that, you know, we should note. LIZ CALDWELL: SO, there are side effects from [Product name], but from the sounds of things, they appear to be positive. DEBORAH FOX: So it appears. And, of course, it can vary from person to person, as with any herbal product. LIZ CALDWELL: So, how long after taking [Product name] should one expect to see results? DEBORAH FOX: Well, again, that varies from woman to woman. Some people are experiencing immediate effects, and then for other women, it takes a few weeks to see some results. So, it's recommended that [Product name] be tried for like a month before a woman would decide if she's going to continue to take it. LIZ CALDWELL: And is [Product name] having any success? DEBORAH FOX: Yes, it is. In fact, it appears to be fulfilling a need that's been overlooked for some time. LIZ CALDWELL: If the numbers are true, 40 million American women are dissatisfied with their love lives. It seems like there's a great need for a product like [Product name]. DEBORAH FOX: Absolutely. ON SCREEN; Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial? LIZ CALDWELL: Well, for those of you who are curious about trying [Product name], I've got some good news. [Brand name] is making a special offer. If you call during our show today, you can try [Product name] absolutely risk-free for 30 days.’ Just call the toll- free number on your screen right now. If, during the first. 30 days, you're not absolutely happy with the product, your money will be completely refunded. While you're making that call, we're going to take a short break, and when we come back, Deborah will share with us some interesting differences between male and female sexual urges. Stay tuned. (Music playing.) MALE ANNOUNCER: Have you ever wondered why you're just not in the mood for making love anymore? Are other people in your life noticing, too? Well, why don't you do something about it? All it takes is a phone call. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease MALE ANNOUNCER: Introducing [Product name], a safe, non-prescription supplement made just for a woman that can actually turn back the clock on your passion and reawaken those powerful feelings for intimacy. [Product name] works by stimulating the development of vital hormones in a woman's body, and not only heightens your sensitivity and physical pleasure, but it can actually increase your arousal, your urge and your desire for making love. Women of all ages are experiencing the benefits of [Product name] and you aan, too. ON SCREEN: Jennifer B. New York Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: Actor portrayal is to protect privacy. JENNIFER B.: I have an extremely demanding professional life and a very active lifestyle. Finding the time to make love was difficult enough, and combine that with the stress and sheer exhaustion of my lifestyle, it made it even less frequent. I heard about [Product name] and I decided to give it a try. And I am very happy to say that after only just a few weeks, my urge is back. ON SCREEN: Celia P. Florida Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: CELIA P.; I'm an older woman in my early sixties and I've been through menopause, but I haven't felt this sexually alive in years. ON SCREEN: Robyn & John G. j Massachusetts Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: ROBYN G.; Ever since our second child, I had absolutely no sex drive. I mean, John and I, we have a great marriage, but I just didn't feel like making love. JOHN G.: Her doctor said it was normal to feel this way. But after a while, what were we supposed to do? ROBYN G.: When a girlfriend told me that the [Product name] had worked for her, I thought, well, what do we have to lose? So, I tried it and the [Product name] really worked. ON SCREEN: Annette J. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial? ANNETTE J.: I have talked to women who have used other products and I'm glad to say that I have not had any side effects. I am very happy with [Product name]. ON SCREEN! Dr. Sarah S. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DR. SARAH S.: [Product name] really works. I even recommend it to my patients. ON SCREEN: Call now for ydur 30 day risk-free trial: MALE ANNOUNCER: So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and try [Product name] risk-free for 30 days. Reawaken your desire and experience the pleasure again with [Product name]. Do it today. LIZ CALDWELL: Welcome back to our show. If you're just joining us, we're talking with sex therapist, Deborah Fox, about an exciting new product that is helping women of all ages bring back the passion and reignite the spark that was missing in their love lives. The product is called [Product name] and it's an all-natural supplement designed to help women increase their sexual desire and sensitivity. Deborah, we haven't heard a lot about the successful efforts in improving a woman's sexual libido. It seems,that the men have gotten all the attention. But are women's sexual desires that different from men's? DEBORAH FOX: They're really very similar. We're all after the same thing. Of course, we do have different sexual needs and we certainly have different anatomy. There are similar statistics out there for men in terms of sexual dissatisfaction, and men' have certainly been getting a lot of attention lately with the introduction of new medications that have really helped with these performance issues really by increasing blood flow. Also, it's been easier to study men's sexuality. Are they getting erections or are they having premature ejaculations? Understanding a woman's sexual response is a lot more difficult because women can still perform, per se, but that doesn't mean she's becoming aroused, and understanding women's sexual intimacy is really more than a chemical reaction. It's often tied to emotion and how she feels about herself and about the relationship, LIZ CALDWELL: Now, what are some of the things that can impact a woman's sexual response? DEBORAH FOX: Well, as I mentioned earlier, fatigue is certainly a big one with the demands of work and family and stress. Those are pretty obvious. But also how a woman feels about herself, the quality of the relationship that she's in and feeling she's loved is really, really important, LIZ CALDWELL: Now, menopause, I'm sure, plays a factor at some point. DEBORAH FOX: Absolutely. Menopause is very important because a lot of women find that their desire just isn't what it used to be after menopause, and we know a lot more about that than we used to. And thanks to the research that's being done with men, we're starting to understand a lot more and learn a lot more about women's sexual response. LIZ CALDWELL: So, are women also taking the prescription drug that's so popular with men these days? DEBORAH FOX: Well, some studies were done in that area. But like the potential problems that there were associated with hormonal therapies, there can be some dangerous side effects, so they were discontinued. So, research began at places like [Brand name] on men and women to find a way to increase sexual desire and enhance arousal by using a combination of naturally occurring ingredients, ingredients to help the body stimulate its own sexual hormones. LIZ CALDWELL: So, that sounds more natural and, therefore, much safer. DEBORAH FOX: Well, it is. And now that there's a non-prescription alternative available, like [Product name], which can do -- increase your sexual desire as well as enhance lovemaking, who wouldn't want to try [Product name]? LIZ CALDWELL: Now, how do the benefits of [Product name] compare to those of the prescription treatments? DEBORAH FOX: Well, the prescription medications work by increasing blood flow to certain areas, and so that can help with certain performance issues. But it doesn't really seem to do much for desire, whereas with a supplement like [Product name], it seems to be able to do both of these things. According to customer feedback, [Product name] increases sexual desire and helps create additional sexual stimulation, lubrication and also some women are reporting better orgasms. LIZ CALDWELL: Better orgasms from [Product name]? DEBORAH FOX: Yeah. But ultimately, this ability of [Product name] to create greater desire for sex and greater sexual stimulation, this is what really makes [Product name] a great option for many women with little or no libido. LIZ CALDWELL: So, [Product name] is safer. You don't need a doctor's prescription for it. DEBORAH FOX: Yeah, that's right. And I also understand it's less expensive than prescription medication. And for many women who might be embarrassed about seeking help, it's very private. OU SCREENS Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DEBORAH FOX: You call the 800 number from your own home, you speak to a phone representative. It's very private, very confidential. It's a wonderful alternative for many women that can have a great impact on their sex lives. LIZ CALDWELL: It sounds great. Well, speaking of that 800 number, for those of you who would like to try [Product name] right now completely risk-free for 30 days, and experience the positive changes that we've been talking about, that can happen in your love life, call the toll-free number on your screen right now. As Deborah said, it's safe, it's affordable, it's confidential and it's helping women renew the passion in their love lives. Make the call right now and we'll be back to talk more about this, exciting product with Deborah Fox. Don' t go away. (Music playing.) MALE ANNOUNCER: Ladies, are desire, romance and passionate lovemaking just a fantasy of yours? Well, you're not alone. Let's face it, you're probably under a lot of stress these days. ON SCREEN: Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: MALE ANNOUNCER: Between the daily grind of caring for the family and trying to compete in the working world, more and more women are finding that getting in the mood for making love is nearly impossible. Add to that the hormonal changes that women experience throughout their lives and it's no wonder that over 40 million American women are suffering from a lack of sexual desire and satisfaction. Finally, there's help. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease MALE ANNOUNCER: Introducing [Product name], an all- natural, non-prescription supplement uniquely designed for a woman's body to safely and effectively restore your sexual urge and enjoyment, guaranteed. It's already helping women from all ages reclaim their sexual passion and vitality, and it can help you, too. ON SCREEN: Jennifer B. New York Call now for your 3 0 day. risk-free trial: Actor portrayal is to protect privacy. JENNIFER B. : I'm a 29-year-old woman and I've been in a committed relationship for over four years. I have an extremely demanding professional life and a very active lifestyle. Finding the time to make love was difficult enough and combine that with the stress and sheer exhaustion of my lifestyle, it made it even less frequent. I heard about [Product name] and I decided to give it a try. And I am very happy to say that after only just a few weeks,, my urge is back. Now I'm rushing home from work and our sex life is better than ever. [Product name] has put the 'spark back into my relationship and now we definitely find the time. ON SCREEN: Celia P. Florida Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: CELIA P.: Thank you for a wonderful product. I'm an older woman in my early sixties and I've been through menopause, but I haven't felt this sexually alive in years. [Product name] has increased my desire for intimacy and truly it helps me to enjoy sex now as I did in my twenties. ON SCREEN: Robyn & John G., Massachusetts Call now for your 30-day risk-free trials ROBYN G: Ever since our second, child., I had absolutely no sex drive. I mean, John and I, we have a great marriage, but I just didn't feel like making love. JOHN G.: Her doctor said it was normal to feel this way. But after a while, what were we supposed to do? ROBYN G.: When a girlfriend told me that the [Product name] had worked for her, I thought, well, what do we have to lose? So, I tried it and the [Product name] really worked. Within a month, my drive was back. My husband was happy and I started to feel like myself again. JOHN G.: Thanks to [Product name] our marriage has never been better. ON SCREEN: Annette J. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: ANNETTE J.: I just placed my second order for [Product name]. I am very pleased with the results. After just two weeks with [Product name], I noticed a great increase in my libido. I have talked to women who have used other products and I'm glad to say that I have not had any side effects. I am very happy with [Product name]. ON SCREEN: Dr. Sarah S. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DR. SARAH S.: I was so frustrated with my lack of desire that I seriously considered taking a prescription medication, but it goes against all my beliefs as a chiropractor. Then I heard a radio advertisement for [Product name] and .1 placed an order. I tried the product, and to my surprise, experienced immediate results. [Product name] really works. I even recommend it to my patients. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease MALE ANNOUNCER: Call the toll-free number on your screen right now and try [Product name] risk-free for 30 days. If you're not completely satisfied with your results, you'll receive a full refund, guaranteed. So, call now to restore your desire, to reclaim your romance and to make passionate love-making a reality. Live the fantasy right now with [Product name]. Finally, the wait is over. ON SCREEN: Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial LIZ CALDWELL: Hello, we're back with Woman to Woman. I'm Liz Caldwell. And we're talking with sex therapist, Deborah Fox, about a growing problem in this country, a woman's lack of sexual desire and stimulation, due to a combination of forces acting on women today, both physical and psychological. In fact, surveys estimate that one in three sexually active women are dissatisfied with their sex lives. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease LIZ CALDWELL: But with the help of an exciting new product called [Product name], a safe, all-natural, nonprescription supplement, women of all ages are experiencing a renewal of sexual passion and desire, as well as heightened stimulation and sensitivity. Too good to be true? Not necessarily. It's one of the fastest growing supplements for treating women who are sexually dissatisfied. Deborah, you're on the front lines, so to speak, with women who are seeking help for their sex lives. Are these tough times for a women sexually speaking? DEBORAH FOX: Well, I think they're wonderful times really because we can talk about sexuality. I think women are feeling freer than they ever have before. But when sex is not so wonderful for a particular woman, we know how to address that in a positive way. LIZ CALDWELL: So, when a woman is having trouble with sexual arousal and might benefit from something in addition to counseling, do you think it makes sense for them to try [Product name]? DEBORAH FOX: Yes, it would. Again, if medical research is pointing women toward hormones, like testosterone, I think it's great that there's an all-natural alternative like [Product name]. Remember, hormone therapy can be a tricky business with many potentially dangerous side effects. So, now there's a safe way to increase one's own sexual desire, as well as experience greater sensitivity during times of sexual intimacy. [Product name] can be a great option for many women. LIZ CALDWELL: I would think that just knowing that it's a safer alternative would be a very good reason for women to want to try the product. DEBORAH FOX: Yes. And also because it seems to be helping so many people. LIZ CALDWELL: With such a high number of women experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, it's amazing to me that just now a natural remedy like [Product name] has come along. DEBORAH FOX: Well, sex is a subject that women haven't really felt comfortable talking about. It's been embarrassing for them many times, and women have often felt that sex is great for everyone but them. But now that we're gaining such a better understanding of what sexuality is all about for women, women don't have to be satisfied with poor sex lives anymore. They can be empowered. There's help available and [Product name] is a great way to increase a woman's sexual desire and response. LIZ CALDWELL: And women who may be a little self-conscious can be reassured by knowing that with [Product name], you don't need a doctor's prescription for it, right? DEBORAH FOX: That's right. And the whole process of ordering [Product name] is very confidential. There's no prescription. You can order it from the privacy of your own home. When the package arrives in the mail, it's completely discreet. LIZ CALDWELL: Well, Deborah, I want to thank you for being here with us and sharing your experience and your knowledge. It's been a very interesting half-hour. I know that I have learned a lot and I hope that our viewers have as well. Well, the statistics we heard suggest an increasing number of women are frustrated with their sexual lives these days. There is hope after all. A great deal of research is underway in understanding the lack of sexual desire in women, and many women are finding great success with an all-natural dietary supplement called [Product name]. As we've just heard, it's safe, it's proven effective, it's affordable and it's non-prescription. ON SCREEN: [Product name] Female Herbal Blend Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease LIZ CALDWELL: If you or someone you know would like to try [Product name], [Brand name] is offering a special 30-day risk-free guarantee for those of our viewers today. ON SCREEN: Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial LIZ CALDWELL: Call the toll-free number on your screen right now and you can try [Product name] risk-free for 30 days. If you're not absolutely happy with your results from [Product name], you'll receive a full refund, guaranteed. Deborah, any last words? DEBORAH FOX: Well, I'd just like to add for you women out there who would really like to restore the sexual passion to your love lives and increase your enjoyment for both you and your partner, giving [Product name] a try makes a lot of sense. So, call now and give [Product name] a try. LIZ CALDWELL: Well, Deborah, thank you so much for coming. Thank you to those of you at home for watching. On behalf of all of us here at Woman to Woman, I'm Liz Caldwell. Good-bye. (Music playing.) DEBORAH FOX: If you're a woman who wants to put back the desire and enjoyment missing in your sex life, I've got good news. Hi, I'm Deborah Fox. As a certified sex therapist, I'd like to recommend an exciting new product called [Product name]. It's helping women all over the country reawaken their sexual passion and sensitivity. Just listen. ON SCREEN: Jennifer B. New York Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: Actor portrayal is to protect privacy. JENNIFER B.: [Product name] has put the spark back into my relationship and now we definitely find the time. ON SCREEN: Dr. Sarah S. Texas Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DR. SARAH S-: I love this product and. I'm comfortable knowing that it's an all-natural supplement without the dangerous side effects of a prescription medication. ON SCREEN: Celia P. Florida Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: CELIA P.: I'm an older woman in my early sixties and I've been through menopause, but I haven't felt this sexually alive in years. ON SCREEN: Robyn and John G. Massachusetts Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: ROBYN G.: With [Product name], I started to feel like myself again. ON SCREEN: Call now for your 30-day risk-free trial: DEBORAH FOX: [Product name] is safe. It's not a drug, so you don't need a prescription for it, but it's not available in stores. So, call the number on your screen right now and try [Product name] risk-free for 30 days. Reclaim your sexual vitality with [Product name]. Call now.